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Our Settings page is where you can manage your account, view your subscription, and manage other account-specific settings.



Some basic information about your account. You can update your name, contact email, and timezone here.

Contact Email

Please keep in mind, the contact email is used for account-related notifications and is not the same as your login email at this time.

Invoicing Defaults

You can set some default values for your invoices here. These values will be used when filling in empty fields when creating new invoices. This information can certainly be modified on a per-invoice basis, but this can save you some time if you find yourself filling in the same information over and over again.

Logo Url

Want to add some extra branding to your invoices? You can add a URL to your logo here, and it will be displayed on your invoices. Please note, the logo cannot link to an SVG at this time, but other image formats should work just fine.

Quick Pay

This is where you'd come if you want to set up the ability to include a Stripe Payment Link on your invoices. This link will allow your customers to pay their invoices online with a credit card or direct bank deposits.

Stripe Connect

Here we provide a means to create a Stripe Connect account and associate it with your ChronRunner account. This is required to use the Quick Pay feature. You can read more about Stripe Connect here.

There are some caveats to using this feature within ChronRunner, so please read the following carefully.

Stripe Connect Caveats

  • This feature will take you through a workflow in which you will create a Stripe account and associate it with ChronRunner. Stripe will require some pretty sensitive information from you, such as your SSN, DOB, and banking information. This is required by Stripe to comply with federal regulations. We do not store any of this information. Only information stored by us is your Stripe account's ID as well as any payment links we generate and send on your behalf.

  • All payments will be processed through Stripe. Any additional management of payments will need to be done through your account on Stripe.

  • Stripe will charge you a fee for each transaction. As this leverages Stripe's Connect feature and its use of its Payment Links, the relevant fees would be (based on how your client decides to pay you):

    • ACH Direct Debit: 0.8% per transaction (capped at $5)

    • Credit Cards: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction

    You can read more about Stripe's pricing here.

  • We will also charge you a fee for each transaction. We'll keep it as straightforward as possible at $2 per transaction at this time. This is subject to change later on.

  • We will provide you the option (before submitting a payment link to your client) to pass the fees on to your client, or you can absorb the fees yourself through the invoiced amount you submit to your client. If you choose to pass fees along, we'll provide you an estimated amount of fees to tack on to the invoiced amount to cover the Stripe fees, but this is a ballpark figure and may not be exact to what Stripe ultimately calculates. We will not intercede on matters involving Stripe's fees themselves.

  • You are responsible for any taxes or fees that may be associated with your use of Stripe.

  • You are responsible for any disputes, refunds, or chargebacks that may be associated with your use of Stripe and matters of payment between you and your clients.

Quick Pay Charges

If you're needing to track down any of the payment links that have been sent to your clients, you can find those generated links here along with some basic information about the invoice they were generated for.

Although we can track which links have been generated, we cannot track whether or not the link has been used or if the invoice has been paid as that is tied to your own Stripe account at that point. Because of that, we won't be able to automatically mark any of your invoices as "paid" if your client pays through the payment link. You'll need to do that manually.

You can also remove any of the links from this view as well, however this will not cancel the payment link itself. The link will still be valid and your client will still be able to pay the invoice. This is just a means to remove the link from this view.

In order to cancel a payment link, you'll need to do so from your Stripe account. You can read more about that here.

Danger Zone

If you need to disconnect your Stripe account from ChronRunner, you can do so within the "Danger Zone" on this page. This will not delete your Stripe account, but it will remove the association between your Stripe account and ChronRunner. This will prevent you from using the Quick Pay feature until you re-associate your Stripe account with ChronRunner.


This is where you can set up, view, and cancel your subscription to ChronRunner. Along with that, any payments made will be listed here as well.


We do not store your credit card information on our servers, but instead, we use Stripe to handle all of our payment processing. You can read more about Stripe's security here.